Mechanical jobs

Allways parts of highest quality and approved by the market.

Tires & Rims

This will allways be checked at the yearly maintenance for free.


Allways top quality fluids for your car and your using.

To repair your car...

Basically you can say that it has the mileage and age to do that determines the vehicle's condition. But the case of a more realistic view is that one skips the service intervals and skimp on the most important components so get parts sooner or later, sooner than expected break. Below you will find important questions and answers what it can mean to repair the car at MC-Autodatas.

At the annual maintenance a monitoring are done...

It's not nice to just get rid of various service work so very reason, and security controlled car peripherals for service and you will be notified if there are any defects or if everything is calm pucks.

fr. 695Kr

Keep track of which campaigns are published...

It is of the utmost importance that the car is in such a roadworthy condition as possible. Just because it offered various campaigns to ease to repair the car at affordable costs.

fr. 10%
Buy now pay the rest later...

It can be handy to be able to pay the rest at another time and just because we can provide invoices in 30 days (20kr fee) or 3 months (17,4% + 20kr invoicing fee). Contact your mechanic for more information and terms and conditions of this service.

30 Days, 3 Months or 48 months?
Emergency funds for your account...

Sometimes the wallet to be easier than expected and for some reason usually uneasy car fuss at the time. But when the wallet is slightly heavier, you can always pay money into your account with us to use them only when necessary in the event that such a olustighet pops up. And not only that, it included * also an annual bonus of 8% on your positive balance each year!

Up to 8% bonus!!!
* - The bonus is given only to customers / clients that are labeled "Loyal customer" on their account.



Spare parts

Spare parts of the highest quality occurs. What we are mainly dealing with are equivalent to the original parts but can also recycle parts that are used in top condition, which can save both time and money for those who want to have your car repaired.

Contact us...

...the concept then? the following, you as a customer books a time either by Internet booking or by telephone. Then, at the appropriate time, a mechanic drives out to you and carry out the requested work / service. So, we have no specific workshop except it's on four wheels. It benefits not only for us, but you do not have to drive your car if it could be considered to be a traffic hazard or neither that you don't need expensive towing services.